WICKED DANCE CAMP - MelRoe's School of Dance Kansas City Dance Studio offering Beginner and Competitive Dance Lessons in Liberty Missouri
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Kansas City Dance Studio MelRoe's School of Dance offering Competitive and Recreational Dance Class Opportunities in Liberty Missouri
MelRoe's School of Dance

Here at Melroe’s we take pride in making each student and parent feel welcome, comfortable, and self-aware. That’s why we are proud advocates when it comes to top notch customer service. From staff to students to parents, MelRoe’s believes that communication is key – keeping our clientele satisfied and informed at all times. Our website stands as another portal for parents to connect with us, containing all-things MelRoe’s from classes, tuition, performance opportunities and more. Thanks for visiting us!




AGES: 7-12
Call Today and Register by July 1st.

Join us for an amazing summer camp for your young one. We have so much fun at our Summer Camp with so many things to do such as Ice Cream Sundae + Pizza Party, games, outdoor activities, dancing, and a performance at the end of the week. This camp is geared toward 7-12 years of age. Each camper will receive a FREE "WICKED T-SHIRT". Call us today for more information at 816-781-6989.



Details of this opportunity being offered:

  • Date(s): July 21- 24th
  • Time(s)s: 900am - 12:00pm
  • Fee: $140.00
  • Location: MelRoe's School of Dance in Liberty Missouri

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